Finding the Balanced Plant-Based/Vegan Nutrition & Lifestyle that is right for You.

Welcome to my website and online practice! I am Mara, a certified registered dietitian (RD) specializing in plant-based and vegan nutrition but also looking further than food alone in a holistic and lifestyle including way. Here, online I like to share my passion for nutrition and health with you and reaching you the handles you need to become the best and healthiest version of yourself! Read more about me and NaturaMara.
In for a challenge?
Join the 10 day rainbow smoothie challenge and lets get started creating healthy habits together!
Join the challenge and start whenever you are ready and at your own pace. You can also join the challenge just for the e-book with recipes and lots of helpful information.

What I offer
Looking for inspiration, don’t know know what to cook today or just want to try something new? Or no time for cooking, looking for some quick and easy (meal prep) recipes or maybe you want to cook together and/or spend some more time in the kitchen? Well here you will find lots of healthy, comforting, dietitian approved and 100% plant-based/vegan recipes and there is more to come!
A place where I talk about nutritional tips, food and kitchen hacks, tips and info about kind communication, debunking vegan myths, product reviews and many more to come! If there is any topic you would like me to cover, or if you have questions, feel free to contact me and let me know!
Recipes & Inspiration
Holistic & mindful
Pflant-based, vegan
real solutions, REAL Results
actionable Plans, realistis goals
Evidence based Information
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